Winning: The winner is the first person to succeed in playing
Players MUST lie when playing this game, it is a requirement! his last card!
But watch out if you do, paying the penalty can be high! In
a game with 6 or more players you may want to have two Variation: In Up & Down Cheat, players can play higher or
lower rank cards than the preceding card.
Ages: 5+
Players: A minimum of three people are needed to play, and
the more the better.
This is a great game for young children, and the big cards
Object: Each player tries to be the first player to play all of are easy to pick up. This is definitely a floor game.
their cards.
Ages: 4+
Set-up: One player deals out all the cards. Some players Players: 2+
may have one extra card.
Object: Collect the most pairs.
Play: Players look at their cards. The player to the left of
the dealer places one to four cards of the “same” value (i.e. Set-up: One player deals out all the cards face down onto
all 7’s) face down in a pile in the center. The player says the floor. The cards can be placed in any direction, but
the value of the cards as they are placed. The player could should not touch. A square format may be used.
actually be placing three 7’s and an Ace, the cards do not
necessarily have to be the cards that the player claims (see Play: The player to the left of the dealer starts the game
by turning over two different cards and allowing the other
players to see the cards. If the two cards are the same value,
The next player must play cards that are one value higher two 7’s or 2 king’s than the player who turned the cards over
than those first played (i.e. three 8’s). The following players collects them, and turns over two more cards. The player’s
must each play cards one value higher than those played by turn continues until she turns over two cards that don’t
the preceding player.
match. If two cards do not match they are turned face down
to their original position, and the next player starts her turn.
Cheating: A player can put down any other cards, instead Play continues until all the cards have been collected.
of those of the correct rank, and pretend that they are all the
same correct value. A player must always lay down at least Winning: The player with the most pairs wins!
one card during their turn, so if a player does not have the
required value card, he must cheat. A player may also put
down more cards than he says he is placing down.
Calling A Players Bluff: A Player may call another player’s Crazy Eights is a fun family game, enjoyed by players of all
bluff, before the next player lays down his hand. If a player ages.
suspects another player of cheating he challenges the
player by calling “Cheat!”
Ages: 5+
Players: 2+
The player who was challenged must then turn over his
cards for inspection. If the player who called “CHEAT” was Object: The first player to play all of their cards.
correct, the person who cheated must collect all of the cards
from the central pile and add them to his hand. If the player Set-up: The dealer deals out seven cards to each player,
did not cheat, the challenger must pick up the central pile of then places the rest of the cards face down in the center to
form the draw pile. One card is turned over from the draw
pile to form the discard pile.
Play begins again with the player who picked up the cards
from the center pile and resumes on the value that was Play: Players lay down cards and try to match either the
cheated on. value or suit of the card played before them. If a player is
this card in its proper sequence placement. The card that If all of the cards have been taken from the draw pile, then a
it replaces is then placed into its correct position as well (if player says pass, and play goes to the next player.
possible). For example if the first card drawn is an 8, it would
be placed face up in the bottom right, replacing the card that Tie: If there is a tie for the highest value card, then the player
was there in the ‘8’ spot position. The card that was replaced who played her card first is the first one to start the next
would be flipped over and if were a 2 it would then be placed round.
second from the left on the top row in the ‘2’ position. (Suits
do not matter) Play continues in this manner until a player Winning: The winner is the first player who plays all of her
cannot make any more moves, and she discards one card cards and shouts “Boom!” when she plays her last card.
to the discard pile.
Variation: Go Boom can be played with keeping score. It is
played the same way except that more rounds are played,
The next player can either pick up the card that was and points are scored for going boom. The game ends when
discarded by another player or draws a new card from the a player reaches an agreed number of points (usually 250).
draw pile. Play continues in this manner until one player
has all eight cards in the correct order. Then a new round is Scoring: The winner scores points for the cards left in the
dealt. All players are once again dealt eight cards except for other players’ hands when she goes boom.
the player who won the last round. This player is dealt only
seven cards. New rounds are played with the winner always The cards are scored in the following manner: 10 points for
dealt one less card than her last hand until one player is each face card; 1 point for each ace; the face value of each
dealt only 1 card.
of the number cards.
Winning: The player who completes the last hand by getting
an ace wins!
Grab a friend and develop a secret code in this card game!
Players pair up and play in teams in this sly game. Try and
keep a straight face!
This is a simple fun card game that teaches the basics of
winning tricks. In games with 5 or more players, you may Ages: 6+
want to use two decks.
Players: 4
Players: 2+
Ages: 5+
Object: Be the team to collect four of a kind first and call
Object: Be the first player to play all of his cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals each player four cards and
places four cards face down in the center. The rest of the
Set-up: The dealer deals each player seven cards, and cards become a draw pile and are placed to the side of the
places the rest face down in a pile in the center. dealer.
Play: The first player lays down a card face up. The next Play: Players pair off with the player across from them and
player must lay down a card that is either of the same suit, move away from the playing area to strategize. The players
or of the same value. Play continues in this manner with compare hands with their partner and may exchange cards
each player matching either the suit or value of the first card at this time if they choose. At this point players also come up
played. If a player is unable to match either the suit or value, with a secret signal to use to communicate with their partner
than she must draw from the draw pile until she picks up a that they have “four of a kind” and that their partner should
card that she can play.
call ‘Kemps!” This signal can be as simple as reaching an
arm into the air, but should be subtle so that the other team
After each player has laid down one card, the cards are doesn’t notice.
compared for the highest value. The player who laid down
the highest value card plays the first card for the next hand. After the two teams have finalized their play, players resume
(Ace is highest value card)
their positions at the table or floor. At this point the dealer
turns over the four cards in the center. Anyone can make a Players begin their turn by placing any cards down from their
grab for the center cards. Players can pick up as many cards hand or moving any of the cards that are already in play.
as they want, but they must put down as many cards as A player may make as many plays as possible, and may
they have picked up. Once everyone is finished, the dealer lay as many cards down as she wishes per turn. When a
clears the table of the remaining 4 cards, and deals out four player is finished making plays, she draws one card to end
more. Once again everyone scrambles for the cards that her turn. If a player forgets to draw a card, she is penalized
they want, and discards the cards that they don’t want. Play with a second card. If a king is drawn this card is played
continues in this manner until someone calls ‘Kemps”
immediately, and no other card is drawn.
Calling Kemps: A player calls ‘Kemps’ and points to the Play in the corners always starts with a king card.
player whom he thinks has 4 of a kind. Players must watch
each other for signaling. When a player thinks that another Winning: The player who plays all of her cards first, wins
player is signaling he calls “Kemps!” A player can call the game!
‘Kemps’ for this team member, and win the hand, or a player
can call ‘Kemps” on an opposing player. If a player calls
‘Kemps” on a player from the other team, and that player
does have 4 of a kind, then that player must discard their OLD MAID
hand and start over. There is no penalty for calling ‘Kemps’ This wonderful classic is easily played with a regular deck of
on another player and when they don’t have 4 of a kind.
cards. The big size of our cards makes the game even more
Winning: When a player has 4 of a kind, and his teammate
calls “Kemps” for him, then that team wins the hand.
Ages: 4+
Players: 2-6
Object: The player with the most pairs.
King the Corner is a great game for older players who want Set-up: The dealer pulls out three of the queen cards,
a more than luck in their card play.
leaving just one queen in the deck. This queen card is the
old maid. The dealer then deals out all the cards to each
player. Some players may have more cards than others.
Ages: 6+
Players: 2-6
Play: Each player looks at their hand and lays down any
Object: To win the hand by being the first to play all of your pairs that they have face down in front of them. If a player
has three cards of one value, he may only lay down two of
the cards. The third is left in the player’s hand to be matched
Set-up: The dealer deals 7 cards to each player then places later in the game.
four cards face up in the center to form a cross. The rest of
the deck is placed face down in the center of the cross as The player to the left of the dealer then takes a card from
the draw pile.
the dealer’s hand. If a match is made the player lays the
match down in front of him. He then offers his hand to the
Play: Play begins with the player to the left of the dealer. next player, who takes a card from his hand. Play continues
Cards are played by placing cards of alternate color down until one player is left with the Old Maid card, who does not
(red, black, red, black) in a descending order (King, Queen, have a match.
Jack, etc.) (See Diagram) Any kings are placed in the space
in between the original 4 cards (in the corners). Players Winning: The player with the most matches at the end of
may move all cards from one space and place the stack the game wins!
on another card(s) as long as it continues the sequence of
cards. When a space is open, a player may insert any card
that she wishes. Cards may not be moved from the king
have one more card than others. Players are not allowed to
Slapjack is a perfect game for a rainy day to release a little look at their cards.
energy. All that is required is the ability to distinguish a jack
from the other face cards – which can be tricky for those Play: The player to the dealer’s left starts first, and places
itchy hands!
her top card face up to form a pile beside her face down pile.
The next player does the same, and play continues until one
player sees that the cards on top of two piles have the same
value. This player shouts “SNAP!”
Ages: 4+
Players: 2+
Object: Collect the most cards.
Snap: The first player to shout ‘Snap’ collects both piles of
cards and places them face down at the bottom of her face
Set-up: The dealer deals out all of the cards one at a time down pile.
face down in a pile in front of each player. Some players may
have one more card than others.
Players continue to turn over cards starting with the player to
the left of the last player who turned over a card.
Play: Players take turns placing the top card of their pile
onto the top of the center pile. Don’t peek at your cards!
Snap Pool: If two players shout ‘SNAP” at the same time,
Slapping a Jack: When a player places a jack on the top of the matching piles are placed face up in the center. Players
the pile, each player tries to be the first to put their hand on continue play, until the pool is won by the first player to shout
top of it. The player whose hand was first, claims the central “SNAP” when a player’s card matches the top card of the
pile of cards and shuffles these into her own cards to form a pool.
new pile. The player whose hand was first will be underneath
all other players’ hands.
When a player runs out of cards, she turns over her face up
pile and draws from this.
The player to the winner’s left continues play by placing a
card face up in the center creating a new center pile.
If a player calls “snap” in error, the player gives one card
If a player loses all of their cards, she may ‘slap-in.’ A player from her face down pile to each of the other players.
does this by being the first person to slap a jack.
Winning: The player who wins all of the cards wins!
If a player slaps a card that is not a jack, she must give
her top card to the player who played the card that was
Winning: The winner is the player who wins all of the cards. Watch out! This is a fast paced game that moves as fast as
For a shorter game, the winner is the player with the most the players playing it. You need to be able to recognize card
cards at the end of a set time period.
values quickly, and move your hands.
Ages: 5+
Players: 2
This is a fast, easy game, but you have to watch closely! Be Object: The first player to play all of his cards first!
the first to spy a match between any players’ top cards and
you collect both piles!
Set-up: The dealer sets the play area up as follows: Two
reserve piles with 5 cards each are placed to the left and
right of the play area, (to the sides of the players) and twenty
cards are dealt out to each player. Players take 5 of the 20
cards dealt to make up their hand. Don’t peek at the rest of
the cards! (See diagram).
Ages: 4+
Players: 2+
Object: Win all of the cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out all the cards one at a time face Play: Players begin by placing one card each from their
down to form a pile in front of each player. Some players may hand, into the center of the playing area. Players lay
cards down as fast as possible. Cards are played in either When a player plays a card from any pile in her row, she
ascending or descending order, i.e. Jack, Queen, King, Ace then flips the next card in the pile face up, so that it is ready
or Ace, King, Queen and Jack. Players can replenish their to be played.
hand at any time from the original 20 cards dealt to them.
Players can only have 5 cards or less in their hand at any Players continue to play cards onto the central piles and
time. The reserve piles are used during play when players turning over the cards in their rows until neither player can
are unable to use the cards in their hand.
play any more of their cards.
Winning: The player who has played all twenty of his cards Spit: If neither player can play onto the center piles one
from his hand first wins!
player shouts ‘SPIT’ and the players turn over their top card
from their draw piles. They lay these cards on top of the two
center piles, and play resumes.
End of Round: Once a player has played all the cards from
Spit is a wonderful two person card game that test a player’s her row, she shouts “OUT!” This player wins this round and
speed and agility.
picks up her draw pile. The other player picks up both of the
central piles and adds all of these cards to the bottom of his
draw pile.
Ages: 5+
Players: 2
Starting A New Round: Players lay out their cards in the
same manner as before. If a player does not have enough
cards to lay out into the appropriate piles, she continues to
Object: The first player to play all of her cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out all of the cards. Players set lay out the cards as far as she can and turns over the top
their cards in the following manner: (See diagram)
card of each pile to face up. In this case, players will also
only have one center pile on which to play.
•Starting from the left, each player lays down 3 cards
in a row face down and a fourth card face up.
Winning: The player who plays all of her cards first wins!
•A second face down card is laid down on each of the
first two down-facing cards, and a third is placed face Slapping Variation: When a player runs out of cards and
up on the third card.
•A third face down card is laid down on the first card,
shouts “OUT!” players immediately slap the central pile
they think is smaller. If both players slap the same pile, the
and a second face up card is laid down on the second player’s whose hand is underneath claims the pile.
•A face up card is laid down on the first pile.
Then players each place the remainder of their cards face SPOONS
down to form a personal draw pile next to them.
A great party game that guarantees laughter. So grab a
spoon and stir up some fun!
Play: When both players are ready, they call out “SPIT!”
Both players immediately take the top card from their draw Ages: 5+
piles and place them face up in the center side by side. Players: 3+
The players then play as many cards as possible from their Object: Collect a set of 4 cards and to grab a spoon.
row of face up cards to either of the cards in the center. Set-up: Arrange the deck to have the same number of sets
Players do not take turns.
as the number of players. A set consists of 4 cards of the
same value. If four people are playing, the kings, queens,
Cards that are played into the center must be either one Jacks and aces may be used.
value higher, or one value lower than the card played on.
For example, an Ace could be played onto either a King or Spoons should be placed in the center of the playing area.
a two.
The number of spoons should be one less than the number
of players. (Using clear, plastic spoons makes it a little bit
more fun and challenging.)
This is a great classic card game that makes for a good
The dealer deals out 4 cards to each player. Each player introduction to cards for a young player.
looks at their hand and decides to try for a particular set.
Each player then chooses one card to discard and places Ages: 4+
it face down in front of them and passes it to the player to Players: 2+
their left. Each player looks at their new card and chooses
another card to discard. The game continues in this way, Object: Win all of the cards.
until one player has a set of four cards of the same value.
Once a player has four of a kind, he quietly places his cards Set-up: The dealer deals out all cards to the players. Some
down face up in front of him and picks up a spoon from the players will have more cards than others. Players do not
center of the table. As soon as a player has done this, the look at their cards, but leave them in a pile in front of them.
other players must reach for a spoon as well, whether or
not they have 4 of a kind. The player who does not have a Play: Players turn over the top card from their draw pile and
spoon is out of the game.
lay it face up in the center. The player who lays down the
highest value card wins the hand and collects the rest of
One spoon is then removed from the center of the table so cards from the center area.
that there is one less spoon then players once again.
Declaring War: If there is a tie between players for the
The players who are still in the game are not allowed to highest value card, than those players who tied must declare
speak to the player who is out of the game. If they do, then war. All players who have tied say “I declare war!” laying
they are automatically out as well.
down four cards as they say this. The first three cards should
be laid down face down, with the fourth card turned face up.
Winning: In the last round of the game, there is one spoon The player with the highest value card turned face up wins
left to grab, the player who grabs the spoon first wins! all cards in the center area.
Variations: For a longer game play, players can play with a Winning: The player who collects all of the cards, wins the
complete deck of cards instead of pulling out equal number game!
of sets to the number of players.
The dealer deals out four cards to each player
Donkey: Play is the same in Donkey, except that when a
player fails to pick up a spoon they are penalized with a
letter, and a new round begins with all players. The first
player to be given all the letters in the word ‘donkey’ loses
the game and must “hee-haw.”
Pig: This is the same game as Donkey, but shorter.
©2002 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 • Questions or comments? Write to us at the address above,
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